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COVAX campagne UNICEF 2021
With COVAX in Bhutan, UNICEF Continues the Fight to End The Pandemic
Phénix is one of the first people to be vaccinated for COVID-19 under COVAX
COVAX : Ce que vous devez savoir | UNICEF
UNICEF staff reflects on one year since the first international COVAX delivery of COVID-19 vaccines
International community supports COVAX
UNICEF’s Campaign to End the Pandemic: Routine Vaccinations
UNICEF virtual field visit to Bolivia with focus on Covax and immunization
How Is UNICEF Helping to Distribute the COVID-19 Vaccine?
We First, Not Me First - Africa needs timely access to safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines (WHO)
COVAX Vaccine Shipments Arrive In Ghana
COVAX delivers COVID-19 vaccines to Libya